Web Certification Programs
Front-End Certification Program
Session 17 Exercises
Exercise 2 - Contacts XML File
Exercise 3 - 2020 February Top Music XML File
Exercise 3.1 - Loading - Load and parse an XML string (II)
Exercise 3.2 - Node Information - Get the node name of an element node
Exercise 3.3 - Node List - Loop through nodes using the length property
Exercise 3.4 - Traversing Node Tree - Display the length of a node list
Exercise 3.5 - Navigating Nodes - Get the parent of a node
Exercise 3.6 - Get Node Values - Get an element's text value
Exercise 3.7 - Change Node Values - Change an elements text node
Exercise 3.8 - Replace Nodes - Replace an element node
Exercise 3.9 - Create Nodes - Create an element node
Session 18 Exercises
Exercise 2 - Create XML Schema - feb_top_music_xml.xsd