Federico Caicedo Florez

11107 Whisperwood Lane · Rockville, MD 20852 · (240) 781-9813 · Fjbeans2000@gmail.com

Welcome to my portfolio website! My name is Federico, and I am a computer science major with a passion for front-end development. Throughout my career, I have worked on a variety of projects and gained valuable experience in the computer science field. This website is a collection of my best work, showcasing my abilities as a front-end developer. I believe that my unique perspective and attention to detail set me apart from others in my field, and I am excited to share my portfolio with you. Whether you are a potential client, employer, colleague, or simply interested in learning more about me and my work, I hope you enjoy browsing through my projects. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for visiting!


Web Developer and Director of ABA

Heritage Care Inc

As director of ABA, my job requires me to focus on and help with a variety of projects in the company, relating to ABA therapy. Mainly I work with data collection software in order to learn as much as possible to be a support to our BCBAs and RBT’s. I began at the company as an Administrative Assistant, where I had various responsibilities such as; answering phones and taking messages, generating documents, putting together presentations, customer service support, creating spreadsheets, perform basic bookkeeping, planning staff events such as awards dinners and fundraising events, scheduling client meetings, and arranging schedules for employees.

September 2021 - Present


Montgomery College

associates in Computer science
Computer Science

GPA: 3.23

August 2020 - Present 

Montgomery College

Certificate in Front-end development
Web Development
Febuary 2023- March 2023 

WAlter Johnson High School

High school diploma

GPA: 3.56

August 2014- May 2018


Programming Languages & Tools

    With HTML5, I learned how to structure and present content on web pages using modern tags and elements, enabling me to create interactive and dynamic websites.


    With CSS3, I learned how to enhance the presentation and styling of web pages, including layout, colors, typography, animations, and responsiveness, allowing me to create visually appealing and modern websites.


    With JavaScript, I learned how to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages, enabling me to manipulate and update content, respond to user actions, handle form submissions, perform calculations, and create engaging and interactive web experiences.


    With jQuery, I learned how to simplify and streamline my JavaScript code by utilizing its powerful library of pre-built functions and methods, allowing me to efficiently manipulate and traverse HTML elements, handle events, perform animations, make AJAX requests, and create interactive and responsive web applications.


    With XML, I learned how to structure and store data in a standardized and platform-independent format, enabling me to facilitate data exchange between different systems, define custom markup languages, and organize information hierarchically for efficient processing and retrieval.


    With JSON, I learned how to represent and exchange data in a lightweight and human-readable format, allowing me to easily store, transmit, and parse data across different programming languages and platforms, facilitating seamless integration and efficient communication between web services and applications.


    With AJAX, I learned how to asynchronously communicate with servers, enabling me to retrieve and send data in the background without disrupting the user experience, making my web applications more responsive and dynamic by dynamically updating content, fetching data without page reloads, and interacting with server-side APIs seamlessly.


    With responsive web design, I learned how to create websites that adapt and optimize their layout and appearance across different devices and screen sizes, utilizing techniques such as fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, ensuring an optimal user experience and accessibility on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.


    The capstone project represents the culmination of the comprehensive array of projects completed throughout the Front-end Developer Certificate program offered by Montgomery College. It serves as a comprehensive overview, showcasing the mastery and proficiency attained in various aspects of front-end development. By consolidating and synthesizing acquired knowledge and skills, this capstone project reflects the ability to design and develop a sophisticated web application or website that exemplifies professional standards and industry best practices.


As a front-end developer, my goals pertaining to responsive web design include:
  1. Ensure seamless user experiences across multiple devices and screen sizes by creating websites that adapt and respond dynamically to different resolutions and orientations.
  2. Prioritize accessibility and usability, aiming to deliver content and functionality that remains accessible and user-friendly across various platforms, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  3. Optimize website performance by employing responsive design techniques, such as fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, to reduce load times and enhance overall user satisfaction.
  4. Keep up with evolving industry standards and emerging technologies to stay at the forefront of responsive web design, incorporating responsive frameworks and tools to streamline development processes and achieve efficient cross-device compatibility.
  5. Conduct thorough testing and quality assurance across devices to identify and address any potential issues or inconsistencies, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing experience for all users.


Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. In the summer, I am an avid mountain biker and tennis player. During the colder months here in Maryland, I enjoy going to the movies and eating out to try new foods.

    MTB Soccer Eating_out Tennis Movies

When forced indoors, I enjoy building legos and watching funny tv shows, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world.

Prospective Employment

Progresive insurance CodeVodka UMD