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Front-End Cerified Developer

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About me

Who am I?

My name is Osi. I'm a Temple University graduate who has always been enamoured with games, technology and grew up in the Internet. I've followed the latest technology and worked to understand the frameworks behind the online world I've always been immersed in. My work has always been about solving puzzles with creativity and hard work.


Professional Summary

A Temple University graduate of 2022, I've been worked to have a very diverse professional background. My experience ranges from serving as a personal assistant and technical advisor to the campus safety manager, to working on Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr’s re-election campaign in Freetown, Sierra Leone in 2023, where I managed social media. In the same year, I also worked as a front-end developer at Eminence Entertainment. Currently, I am employed as an Administrator at La Prima Catering. This varied experience has equipped me with a unique set of technial skills and global perspectives.


These are my front-end projects


HTML is the foundation of website structure. Over the years and especially during college and my certification I filled in the knowledge I'd always seen poking around with developer tools in my younger days. The more I know about HTML the more I can see the ways that despite the frameworks and tools to advance the ways that we can create modern websites it's founded on the bedrock of HTML. As I've worked and learned I've seen the foundation of HTML more clearly and can more easily work with the tools it gives me to create a website format which I can fill in with the design elements which bring ideas to life.


CSS is the canvas upon which visual elements of a website are painted. During my college years and certification journey, I delved deeper into CSS, honing the skills I had casually explored while tinkering with styles in developer tools. As my knowledge of CSS expanded, I realized its pivotal role in shaping the aesthetics of web design. Despite the proliferation of frameworks and styling libraries, CSS remains the cornerstone upon which modern web visuals are built. Through practice and learning, I've gained a clearer understanding of CSS fundamentals, enabling me to leverage its power to craft visually stunning websites.


JavaScript breathes life into web pages, facilitating interactivity and dynamic functionality. My journey in mastering JavaScript parallels my exploration in college and certification studies. From my early days of experimenting with basic scripts to more sophisticated applications, I've come to appreciate JavaScript's indispensable role in enhancing user experiences. With each project and lesson learned, I've uncovered the intricacies of JavaScript, empowering me to create engaging and responsive web interactions.


jQuery serves as a versatile toolkit, streamlining development tasks and enhancing productivity. Through my experiences, particularly during my college and certification pursuits, I've come to embrace jQuery as a valuable asset in my toolkit. Its intuitive syntax and vast array of plugins have expedited my workflow and enabled me to achieve complex functionalities with ease. By leveraging jQuery, I've unlocked new dimensions in web development, allowing me to create rich and dynamic user experiences effortlessly.


XML serves as the foundation for organizing metadata, providing structure and coherence to data interchange. In my journey of learning and practice, especially during my college years and certification, I've recognized XML's significance in facilitating seamless data exchange between disparate systems. Its hierarchical format and extensibility have proven invaluable in organizing and categorizing metadata, laying the groundwork for efficient data management and integration.


JSON offers a lightweight and flexible format for representing metadata, enabling efficient data transmission and parsing. Throughout my educational and professional endeavors, I've embraced JSON as a preferred format for structuring metadata due to its simplicity and readability. By mastering JSON, I've streamlined data interchange processes, facilitating seamless communication between applications and systems.


AJAX empowers web applications with real-time responsiveness, enabling asynchronous data retrieval without page reloads. Through my journey of exploration and learning, particularly during my college and certification studies, I've uncovered the transformative potential of AJAX in enhancing user experiences. Its ability to fetch data dynamically has revolutionized web development, enabling interactive and responsive applications that rival desktop counterparts.

Responsive Web Design

RWD (Responsive Web Design) ensures optimal user experiences across a diverse range of modern devices. My journey in understanding RWD, especially during my college and certification endeavors, has underscored its critical importance in contemporary web development. By embracing RWD principles, I've learned to craft websites that seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes and orientations, ensuring accessibility and usability across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

RWD Framework

RWD frameworks provide cutting-edge tools and components for building responsive websites efficiently. Throughout my educational and professional journey, I've explored RWD frameworks as integral components of modern web development. By leveraging these frameworks, such as Bootstrap or Foundation, I've expedited the creation of responsive layouts and interfaces, while also ensuring consistency and scalability across projects.


For my capstone project, I fused my expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, JSON, AJAX, RWD, and RWD frameworks to craft a dynamic web application. HTML formed the foundation, CSS styled the interface, and JavaScript powered interactivity. Leveraging jQuery streamlined development, while XML and JSON organized metadata. AJAX enabled real-time responsiveness, and RWD ensured optimal display across devices. RWD frameworks expedited development, resulting in a cohesive and polished final product showcasing the synthesis of my knowledge.

My Skills.

I've always been focused on computers and online spaces since a young age and developed skills focused on the front-end of web development.

Over the course of my development I've also been focused on trying to work towards back-end development to become a full stack developer by the end of my career.






  • Nov 2023


    I currently work as an administrator for La Prima Catering and am developing my front end skills through my certification.

  • Jun 2022

    Front-End Developer

    I worked at Eminence Entertainment in Freetown Sierra Leone for our clients building and maintaing sites like Africaribbean Festival.

  • Jun 2022

    Social Media Manager

    I worked with Mayor Yvonne Akisawyerr OBE for her re-election campagin in Freetown Sierra Leone west Africa.

  • May 2020

    Technical Advisor

    I worked as a personal assistant and technical advisor to the campus safety manager Donna Gray.

Prospective Employers

Who I'll be applying to


University of Maryland

The University of Maryland, College Park is the state's flagship university and one of the nation's preeminent public research universities.


Information Managment Services Inc

IMS has 45 plus years of information technology and clinical trials experience. They develop sophisticated software products and Web applications in support of biomedical research.


Booz Allen

a global firm of approximately 33,800 diverse, passionate, and exceptional people driven to excel, do right, and realize positive change in everything they do.

Lets get in touch. Send me a message:

Damascus, US

Phone: +1 240-641-2042

Email: Osioriame@gmail.com