
About Me

Welcome to my ePortfolio website! As a new web designer, I’ve honed my skills in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, JSON, and responsive web design (RWD) through the class at Montgomery College. I have equippted with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic realm of website and web application development.From front-end development to server-side programming and databases, hands-on experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and database management.

  • Name: Kyu Choi
  • Address: Rockville USA
  • Zip code: 20850
  • Email: kyuchoi@gmail.com

0 Project complete

10,000 hours

My Goal

Achieving world-class skill in a particular area requires approximately 10,000 hours of concentrated practice. So I challenge 10,000 hours for web developments. I’ve dedicated over 90 hours to learning front-end web development alongside my courageous colleagues at MC. My aspiration is to delve into more advanced areas of expertise and become a professional web developer. Ultimately, I hope to teach the same class at Montgomery College one day. Below video links can motivate you as well.

Technology Services


With over 20 years of experience in the dynamic world of IT, I am a dedicated expert who has navigated the intricate landscapes of technology. My journey has been marked by relentless pursuit of knowledge and mastery, resulting in a constellation of certifications that underscore my commitment to excellence. Below is my IT certifications achieved during the last 2 decades. 

Cradley Link 


My Skills

I’m a skilled web designer with expertise in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and XML. Passionate about creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites.














My Projects

My ePortfolio also features a sleek personal website that highlights my design skills and passion for creating seamless user experiences. Please see my works from below links


Using HTML, I've mastered the art of structuring web content. Crafting semantic layouts, I ensure accessibility and SEO-friendly foundations for every project.


I learned that CSS3 is the language show presentation and stylization of web pages.


I learned that JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive web pages.


I learned that XML is a document made to store information, making it easier for devices to use, store, transmit, and display data.


I learned that jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies the code that you have to write in an HTML document.


I learned that RWD renders web pages to display on many different devices


I learned that JSON is a flexible human-readable format to exchange the information.

           Here is my Portfolio Capstone Dashboard Link.

Prospective Employment

Prospective Employment

These are my prospective employers.

Montgomery College

Montgomery College is a public, fully accredited institution. MC is dedicated to student success and widely recognized for the quality and scope of its academic programs.


A small company named well known for Front End Web Development. Main slogan for this company is Master a Skill, Learn for Life.

University of Maryland

The University of Maryland, College Park is the state's flagship university and one of the nation's preeminent public research universities.

0 Awards
0 Complete Projects
0 Happy Customers
0 Pieces of Dark Mint Chocolate

I'm Available for freelancing

Dedicating this substantial amount of time (10,000 hours) to deliberate practice, individuals can reach an expertise level considered exceptional. I am one of them.


Contact Me

If you want to see exceptional web development services...


Rockville, MD

Contact Number

301 289 9743

Email Address

