About Me

As a dedicated web designer and developer, I strive to craft digital experiences that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and easy to navigate for all users. Through a blend of creativity and technical expertise, I work to ensure that every website I create is not just functional, but a joy to interact with.

My key areas of expertise

My expertise lies at the intersection of web design, user-centric approach, and seamless project management. With a passion for crafting visually captivating websites, conducting in-depth UX research, and leading projects from inception to delivery, I specialize in creating engaging and streamlined digital experiences.

Web Design and Development

With a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of user experience principles, I craft visually pleasing and intuitively navigable websites that seamlessly blend form and function. From responsive layouts to interactive elements, I ensure every aspect of the design enhances the user's experience, backed by robust development to bring concepts to life.

UX Research and Design

Grounded in user-centric methodologies, I utilize variety of methods to inform thoughtful design solutions. From user interviews to usability testing, I refine interfaces to optimize usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction.

Project Management

With a blend of strategic planning and meticulous organization, I steer projects from conception to completion, ensuring deadlines and deliverables are met. From defining project scopes to coordinating cross-functional teams, I leverage effective communication to drive successful outcomes and foster client satisfaction.

Web Development Projects

In pursuit of delivering user-friendly and high-quality digital experiences, I aimed to deepen my understanding of the essential technologies in front-end web development. My individual goals for obtaining front-end web development certification centered on acquiring hands-on practice with programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and JSON. Additionally, I sought to attain a solid grasp of industry-standard tools and frameworks such as jQuery and AJAX to elevate website interactivity and functionality.

Below are front-end web development techologies I used for my projects

Prospective Employers

Techsur Solutions LLC

Symposit LLC