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San Joaquin Valley Town Hall

Celebrating our 75th Year

Fossil Threads in the Web of Life

Amy Chua Photo

Amy Chua

Amy Chua is a professor of law (graduate of Harvard Law) and a writer who currently teaches at Yale Law School, where she is the John M. Duff Jr. Professor of Law; before starting at Yale in 2001, she had taught at Duke for seven years. Her expertise is in international business transactions, law and development, ethnic conflict and globalization and the law.

Chua has written several books, including two studies of international affairs, a parenting memoir (“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”), a book on ethnic-American culture and its correlation with socio-economic success within the United States and, most recently, a book about the role of tribal loyalties in American politics and its foreign policy (“Political Tribes”). This most recent book explores the often-underestimated power of group identity and affiliation through a review of historical events (such as the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War) and the current social and political climate. She is the daughter of ethnic Chinese parents who emigrated to the United States from the Philippines.